bijvoeglijk naamwoord
1 assonant
Having the same sound (especially the same vowel sound) occurring in successive stressed syllables.
Roget 413: harmonious, harmonical†; in concord etc. n., in tune, in concert; unisonant†, concentual†, symphonizing†, isotonic, homophonous†, assonant; ariose†, ... meer laten zien
2 assonant
Having the same vowel sound occurring with different consonants in successive words or stressed syllables.
Moby betekeniswoordenboek: accordant, according, alliteral, alliterating, alliterative, assonantal, attuned, belabored, blended, blending, chanting, chiming, cliche-ridden, concordant, consonant, dingdong, harmonic, harmonious, harmonizing, harping ... meer laten zien.
Vind elders meer over assonant: etymologie - rijmwoorden - Wikipedia.
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