zelfstandig naamwoord
1 trefoil
Any of several Old World herbs of the genus Medicago having small flowers and trifoliate compound leaves.
Roget 92: Triality†, trinity; triunity†. three, triad, triplet, trey, trio, ternion†, leash; shamrock, tierce†, spike-team [U.S.], trefoil; ... meer laten zien
2 trefoil
3 trefoil
An architectural ornament in the form of three arcs arranged in a circle.
Moby betekeniswoordenboek: clover, deuce-ace, leash, set of three, shamrock, tercet, ternary, ternion, terzetto, three, threesome, tierce, trey, triad, trialogue, triangle, tricorn, trident, triennium, trihedron ... meer laten zien.
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