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Roget-categorie 549

4. Words relating to the intellectual faculties
4.9. Modes of communication

#549. Exaggeration

zelfstandig naamwoord

exaggerationexpansion etc. 194hyperbole, stretch, strain, coloringhigh coloring, caricature, caricaturaextravagance etc. (nonsense) 497Baron Munchausenmen in buckram, yarn, fringe, embroidery, traveler's talefish story, gooseberry [Slang].
storm in a teacupmuch ado about nothing etc. (overestimation) 482puff, puffery etc. (boasting) 884rant etc. (turgescence) 577.
figure of speech, facon de parler [Fr.]stretch of fancy, stretch of the imaginationflight of fancy etc. (imagination) 515.
false coloring etc. (falsehood) 544aggravation etc. 835.


exaggerate, magnify, pile up, aggravateamplify etc. (expand) 194overestimate etc. 482hyperbolizeovercharge, overstate, overdraw, overlay, overshoot the mark, overpraisemake over much, over the most ofstrain, strain over a pointstretch, stretch a pointgo great lengthsspin a long yarndraw with a longbow, shoot with a longbowdeal in the marvelous.
out-Herod Herod, run riot, talk at random.
heighten, overcolorcolor highly, color too highlybroderflourishcolor etc. (misrepresent) 544puff etc. (boast) 884.

bijvoeglijk naamwoord

exaggerated etc. v. — overwroughtbombastic etc. (grandiloquent) 577hyperbolical, on stiltsfabulous, extravagant, preposterous, egregious, outre [Fr.], highflying.


hyperbolically etc. adj..


excitabat enim fluctus in simpulo [Lat.] [Cicero].

The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.

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