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Roget-categorie 969

6. Words relating to the sentient and moral
6.4. Moral affections
›› 6.4.5. Moral institutions

#969. Lawsuit

zelfstandig naamwoord

lawsuit, suit, action, causelitigationsuit in lawdispute etc. 713.
citation, arraignment, prosecution, impeachmentaccusation etc. 938presentment, true bill, indictment.
apprehension, arrestcommittalimprisonment etc. (restraint) 751.
writ, summons, subpoena, latitat, nisi prius [Lat.]venire, venire facias pleadings [Lat.]declaration, bill, claimproces verbal [Fr.]bill of right, information, corpus delictiaffidavit, state of factsanswer, reply, replication, plea, demurrer, rebutter, rejoindersurrebutter, surrejoinder.
suitor, party to a suitplaintiff, defendant, litigant etc. 938.
hearing, trialverdict etc. (judgment) 480appeal, appeal motionwrit of errorcertiorari [Lat.].
casedecision, precedentdecided case, reports (legal reference works, see reference books)..


go to law, appeal to the lawbring to justice, bring to trial, bring to the barput on trial, pull upaccuse etc. 938prefer a claim, file a claim etc. n. — take the law of, inform against.
serve with a writ, cite, apprehend, arraign, sue, prosecute, bring an action against, indict, impeach, attach, distrain, commitarrestsummon, summonsgive in charge etc. (restrain) 751.
empanel a jury, implead, join issueclose the pleadingsset down for hearing.
try, hear a causesit in judgmentadjudicate etc. 480.

bijvoeglijk naamwoord

litigious etc. (quarrelsome) 713qui tamcoram judice [Lat.], sub judice [Lat.].


pendente lite [Lat.].


adhuc sub judice lis est [Lat.]accedas ad curiam [Lat.]transeat in exemplum [Lat.].

The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.

Vetgedrukte nummers geven verwante Roget-categorieën aan. Een obelisk-symbool (†) volgt op archaïsche woorden die niet langer courant zijn.

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