cease to breathe
Roget 360:
meet one's death,
meet one's end;
pass away,
be taken;
yield one's breath,
resign one's breath;
resign one's being,
resign one's life;
end one's days,
end one's life,
end one's earthly career;
breathe one's last;
cease to live,
cease to breathe;
depart this life;
be no more
go off,
drop off,
pop off;
lose one's life,
lay down one's life,
relinquish one's life,
surrender one's life;
drop into the grave,
sink into the grave;
close one's eyes;
fall dead,
drop dead,
fall down dead,
drop down dead;
break one's neck;
give up the ghost,
yield up the ghost;
be all over with one.
pay the debt to nature,
shuffle off this mortal coil,
take one's last sleep;
go the way of all flesh;
hand in one's checks,
pass in one's checks,
hand in one's chips,
pass in one's chips [U.S.];
join the greater number,
join the majority;
come to dust,
turn to dust;
cross the Stygian ferry,
cross the bar;
go to one's long account,
go to one's last home,
go to Davy Jones's locker,
go to the wall;
receive one's death warrant,
make one's will,
step out,
die a natural death,
go out like the snuff of a candle;
come to an untimely end;
catch one's death;
go off the hooks,
kick the bucket,
buy the farm,
hop the twig,
turn up one's toes;
die a violent death
(be killed)
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