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Roget-categorie 10

1. Words expressing abstract relations
1.2. Relation
›› 1.2.1. Absolute relation

#10. [Want, or absence of relation.] Irrelation

zelfstandig naamwoord

irrelation, dissociation misrelationinapplicabilityinconnectionmultifariousnessdisconnection etc. (disjunction) 44inconsequence, independenceincommensurabilityirreconcilableness etc. (disagreement) 24heterogeneityunconformity etc. 83irrelevancy, impertinence, nihil ad rem [Lat.]intrusion etc. 24non-pertinence.


have no relation to etc. 9have no bearing upon, have no concern with etc. 9, have no business withnot concern etc. 9have no business there, have nothing to do with, intrude etc. 24.
bring in head and shoulders, drag in head and shoulders, lug in head and shoulders.

bijvoeglijk naamwoord

irrelative, irrespective, unrelatedarbitraryindependent, unalliedunconnected, disconnectedadrift, isolated, insularextraneous, strange, alien, foreign, outlandish, exotic.
not comparable, incommensurable, heterogeneousunconformable etc. 83.
irrelevant, inapplicablenot pertinent, not to the, purposeimpertinent, inapposite, beside the mark, a propos de bottes [Fr.]aside from the purpose, away from the purpose, foreign to the purpose, beside the purpose, beside the question, beside the transaction, beside the pointmisplaced etc. (intrusive) 24traveling out of the record.
remote, far-fetched, out of the way, forced, neither here nor there, quite another thingdetached, segregatedisquiparant.
multifariousdiscordant etc. 24.
incidental, parenthetical, obiter dicta, episodic.


parenthetically etc. adj. — by the way, by the byen passant [Fr.], incidentallyirrespectively etc. adj. — without reference to, without regard toin the abstract etc. 87a se.

The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.

Vetgedrukte nummers geven verwante Roget-categorieën aan. Een obelisk-symbool (†) volgt op archaïsche woorden die niet langer courant zijn.

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