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not to be thought of

bijvoeglijk naamwoord

Roget 764: refusing etc. v.; restive, restiff; recusant; uncomplying, unconsenting; not willing to hear of, deaf to.    refused etc. v.; ungranted, ... meer laten zien

Roget 932: disapproving etc. v.; scandalized.    disparaging, condemnatory, damnatory, denunciatory, reproachful, abusive, objurgatory, clamorous, vituperative; defamatory ... meer laten zien

Roget 859: hopeless, desperate, despairing, gone, in despair, au desespoir [Fr.], forlorn, desolate; inconsolable etc. (dejected) 837; broken hearted.    unpromising, ... meer laten zien

Roget 761: prohibitive, prohibitory; proscriptive; restrictive, exclusive; forbidding etc. v.. prohibited etc. v.; not permitted etc. 760; ... meer laten zien

Roget 471: impossible; not possible etc. 470; absurd, contrary to reason; unlikely; unreasonable etc. 477; incredible etc. 485; beyond the bounds of reason, ... meer laten zien

Roget 452: vacant, unintellectual, unideal, unoccupied, unthinking, inconsiderate, thoughtless, mindless, no-brain, vacuous; absent etc. (inattentive) 458; ... meer laten zien

Roget 925: undue; unlawful etc. (illegal) 964; unconstitutional; illicit; unauthorized, unwarranted, disallowed, unallowed, unsanctioned, unjustified; ... meer laten zien

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