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1 song

A short musical composition with words:
— A successful musical must have at least three good songs.

synoniem: vocal.

Nederlands: liedje, een appel en een ei, nummer, lied, zang
Pools: śpiewka, piosnka

2 song

A distinctive or characteristic sound.

3 song

The act of singing:
— With a shout and a song they marched up to the gates.

synoniem: strain.

Roget 415: music; concert; strain, tune, air; melody etc. 413; aria, arietta; piece of music [Fr.], work, number, opus; ... meer laten zien

Nederlands: zang

4 song

The characteristic sound produced by a bird:
— A bird will not learn its song unless it hears it at an early age.

synoniemen: birdcall, birdsong, call.

Nederlands: vogelgezang, lied, vogelzang
Pools: śpiew, zaśpiew

5 song

A very small sum.

6 Song

The imperial dynasty of China from 960 to 1279; noted for art and literature and philosophy.

synoniemen: Song dynasty, Sung, Sung dynasty.

Moby betekeniswoordenboek: Brautlied, Christmas carol, English sonnet, Horatian ode, Italian sonnet, Kunstlied, Liebeslied, Petrarchan sonnet, Pindaric ode, Sapphic ode, Shakespearean sonnet, Volkslied, ado, air, alba, anacreontic, anthem, aria, art song, aubade ... meer laten zien.

Vind elders meer over Song: etymologie - rijmwoorden - Wikipedia.

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