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zelfstandig naamwoord

1 opinion

A personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty:
— My opinion differs from yours.

synoniemen: persuasion, sentiment, thought, view.

Roget 484: belief; credence; credit; assurance; faith, trust, troth, confidence, presumption, sanguine expectation etc. (hope) 858; dependence on, ... meer laten zien

Nederlands: convictie, denkbeeld, gedachte, gevoelen, gezindheid, inzicht, inzien, mening, oordeel, opinie ... meer laten zien

2 opinion

A message expressing a belief about something; the expression of a belief that is held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof:
— His opinions appeared frequently on the editorial page.

synoniem: view.

Nederlands: zienswijze
Pools: głos

3 opinion

A belief or sentiment shared by most people; the voice of the people:
— He asked for a poll of public opinion.

synoniemen: popular opinion, public opinion, vox populi.

Roget 737b: politics; political science; candidacy, campaign, campaigning, electioneering; partisanship, ideology, factionalism.    election, poll, ballot, vote, referendum, ... meer laten zien

Nederlands: publieke opinie, communis opinio, volksstem

4 opinion

The legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision:
— Opinions are usually written by a single judge.

synoniemen: judgement, judgment, legal opinion.

Roget 480: result, conclusion, upshot; deduction, inference, ergotism [Med.]; illation; corollary, porism; moral.    estimation, valuation, appreciation, judication; ... meer laten zien

Nederlands: conclusie
Pools: decyzja

5 opinion

The reason for a court's judgment (as opposed to the decision itself).

synoniem: ruling.

Nederlands: vonnis

6 opinion

A vague idea in which some confidence is placed.

synoniemen: belief, feeling, impression, notion.

Nederlands: besef, notie, conjectuur, gevoel, impressie, indruk, vermoeden
Pools: odczucie, wrażenie

Moby betekeniswoordenboek: admonition, advice, advising, advocacy, affect, affectivity, analyzing, appraisal, appraisement, appraising, appreciation, apprehension, assessing, assessment, assumption, attitude, belief, brief, briefing, caution ... meer laten zien.

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