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naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma


zelfstandig naamwoord

1 party

An organization to gain political power:
— In 1992 Perot tried to organize a third party at the national level.

synoniem: political party.

Roget 737b: politics; political science; candidacy, campaign, campaigning, electioneering; partisanship, ideology, factionalism.    election, poll, ballot, vote, referendum, ... meer laten zien

Roget 372: man, mankind; human race, human species, human kind, human nature; humanity, mortality, flesh, generation.    [Science of man] anthropology, anthropogeny, ... meer laten zien

Roget 840: amusement, entertainment, recreation, fun, game, fun and games; diversion, divertissement; reaction, solace; pastime, passetemps [Fr.], sport; ... meer laten zien

Nederlands: politieke partij, partij
Pools: formacja, ugrupowanie, partia, stronnictwo

2 party

A group of people gathered together for pleasure.

Pools: przyjęcie

3 party

A band of people associated temporarily in some activity:
— They organized a party to search for food.

synoniem: company.

Roget 712: party, faction, side, denomination, communion, set, crew, band.    horde, posse, phalanx; family, clan, etc. ... meer laten zien

Roget 892: sociality, sociability, sociableness etc. adj.; social intercourse; consociation; intercourse, intercommunity; consortship, companionship, comradeship; clubbism; ... meer laten zien

Roget 72: assemblage; collection, collocation, colligation; compilation, levy, gathering, ingathering, muster, attroupement; team; concourse, conflux, congregation, ... meer laten zien

Pools: brygada

4 party

An occasion on which people can assemble for social interaction and entertainment.

Nederlands: feestje, feest, party
Pools: balanga, impreza

5 party

A person involved in legal proceedings.

Pools: strona


1 party

Have or participate in a party.

bijvoeglijk naamwoord

Roget 79: special, particular, individual, specific, proper, personal, original, private, respective, definite, determinate, especial, certain, ... meer laten zien

Moby betekeniswoordenboek: Adamite, American Party, Anti-Monopoly Party, Bull Moose Party, Communist Party, Conservative Party, Constitutional Union Party, Democratic Party, Democratic-Republican Party, Farmer-Labor Party, Federalist Party, Free Soil Party, Greenback Party, Kaffeeklatsch, Know-Nothing Party, Labour Party, Liberal Party, Liberal Republican Party, Liberty Party, Mardi Gras ... meer laten zien.

Vind elders meer over party: etymologie - rijmwoorden - Wikipedia.

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