hostility als zelfstandig naamwoord: - 1
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zelfstandig naamwoord
1 hostility
A hostile (very unfriendly) disposition:
— He could not conceal his hostility.
synoniem: ill will.
Pools: wrogość, nieprzyjaźń, nieprzyjacielskość
2 hostility
3 hostility
The feeling of a hostile person:
— He could no longer contain his hostility.
synoniemen: enmity, ill will.
Nederlands: rancune, animositeit, haat, haatgevoel, haatgevoelens, vijandschap
4 hostility
Violent action that is hostile and usually unprovoked.
synoniem: aggression.
Nederlands: vijandigheid, hostiliteit, agressie, agressiviteit
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