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naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma


zelfstandig naamwoord

1 proportion

The quotient obtained when the magnitude of a part is divided by the magnitude of the whole.

Nederlands: evenredigheid
Pools: proporcja

2 proportion

Magnitude or extent:
— A building of vast proportions.

synoniem: dimension.

Nederlands: afmeting, dimensie, maat, proportie, verhouding, verhoudingen

3 proportion

Balance among the parts of something.

synoniem: symmetry.

Roget 242: symmetry, shapeliness, finish; beauty etc. 845; proportion, eurythmy, uniformity, parallelism; bilateral symmetry, trilateral symmetry, multilateral symmetry; centrality ... meer laten zien

Nederlands: symmetrie

4 proportion

The relation between things (or parts of things) with respect to their comparative quantity, magnitude, or degree:
— An inordinate proportion of the book is given over to quotations.
— A dry martini has a large proportion of gin.

synoniem: ratio.

Roget 84: number, symbol, numeral, figure, cipher, digit, integer; counter; round number; formula; function; series.    sum, difference, ... meer laten zien

Roget 464: comparison, collation, contrast; identification; comparative estimate, relative estimate, relativity.    simile, similitude, analogy (similarity) 17; allegory ... meer laten zien

Roget 786: apportionment, allotment, consignment, assignment, appointment; appropriation; dispensation, distribution; division, deal; repartition, partition; administration.    dividend, ... meer laten zien

Roget 9: relation, bearing, reference, connection, concern, cognation; correlation etc. 12; analogy; similarity etc. 17; affinity, ... meer laten zien

5 proportion

Harmonious arrangement or relation of parts or elements within a whole (as in a design).

synoniemen: balance, proportionality.

Pools: regularność, proporcjonalność, harmonijność


1 proportion

Give pleasant proportions to.

2 proportion

Adjust in size relative to other things.

Moby betekeniswoordenboek: accommodate, accord, acreage, adapt, addition, adjust, adjust to, agreement, allegory, allotment, allowance, amount, amplitude, analogousness, analogy, approximation, area, arithmetical proportion, arrangement, array ... meer laten zien.

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