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naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma


zelfstandig naamwoord

1 amount

A quantity of money:
— The amount he had in cash was insufficient.

synoniemen: amount of money, sum, sum of money.

Roget 812: price, amount, cost, expense, prime cost, charge, figure; demand, damage; fare, hire, wages etc. (remuneration) ... meer laten zien

Roget 800: money, legal tender; money matters, money market; finance; accounts etc. 811; funds, treasure; capital, stock; assets etc. ... meer laten zien

Nederlands: geldsom, bedrag, beloop, schijf, som, somma
Pools: grosz

2 amount

The relative magnitude of something with reference to a criterion.

Nederlands: aanbod

3 amount

How much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify.

synoniemen: measure, quantity.

Roget 26: degree, grade, extent, measure, amount, ratio, stint, standard, height, pitch; reach, amplitude, range, scope, ... meer laten zien

Roget 25: quantity, magnitude; size etc. (dimensions) 192; amplitude, magnitude, mass, amount, sum, quantum, measure, ... meer laten zien

Nederlands: hoeveelheid, kwantiteit
Pools: wielkość

4 amount

A quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers.

synoniemen: sum, total.

Nederlands: som, totaal
Pools: suma


1 amount

Be tantamount or equivalent to.

2 amount

Add up in number or quantity:
— The bills amounted to $2,000.

synoniemen: add up, come, number, total.

3 amount

Develop into:
— This idea will never amount to anything.

synoniemen: add up, come.

Moby betekeniswoordenboek: account, add up, add up to, aggregate, amount to, amplitude, approach, batch, become, body, box score, budget, bulk, bunch, burden, caliber, cast, charge, chunk, clutch ... meer laten zien.

Vind elders meer over amount: etymologie - rijmwoorden - Wikipedia.

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