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zelfstandig naamwoord

1 itch

A contagious skin infection caused by the itch mite; characterized by persistent itching and skin irritation:
— He has a bad case of the itch.

synoniem: scabies.

Roget 655: disease; illness, sickness etc. adj.; ailing &c.; all the ills that flesh is heir to" [Hamlet]; morbidity, morbosity; infirmity, ailment, indisposition; ... meer laten zien

Nederlands: baardschimmel, baardschurft, scabiës, schurft
Pools: świerzb

2 itch

A strong restless desire.

synoniem: urge.

Nederlands: drang, aanvechting

3 itch

An irritating cutaneous sensation that produces a desire to scratch.

synoniemen: itchiness, itching.

Roget 865: desire, wish, fancy, fantasy; want, need, exigency.    mind, inclination, leaning, bent, animus, partiality, ... meer laten zien

Nederlands: jeuk, kriebel, krieuwel


1 itch

Scrape or rub as if to relieve itching.

synoniemen: rub, scratch.

Roget 380: itch, tingle, creep, thrill, sting; prick, prickle; tickle, titillate.   

Nederlands: krauwen, krabbelen, klauwen, krabben, schuren

2 itch

Have or perceive an itch.

3 itch

Cause to perceive an itch.

Nederlands: jeuken, wriemelen

4 itch

Have a strong desire or urge to do something:
— She is itching to start the project.

synoniem: spoil.

Nederlands: jeuk

Moby betekeniswoordenboek: ache, acne, acne vulgaris, an universal wolf, andromania, aphrodisia, appetence, appetency, appetite, appetition, biological urge, bodily appetite, carnal desire, concupiscence, coveting, crave, craving, dermamycosis, dermatitis, dermatosis ... meer laten zien.

Vind elders meer over itch: etymologie - rijmwoorden - Wikipedia.

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