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1 flume

A narrow gorge with a stream running through it.

synoniem: gulch.

Roget 350: conduit, channel, duct, watercourse, race; head race, tail race; abito, aboideau, aboiteau [Fr.], bito; acequia, acequiador, acequiamadre; ... meer laten zien

2 flume

Watercourse that consists of an open artificial chute filled with water for power or for carrying logs.

Moby betekeniswoordenboek: abysm, abyss, aqueduct, arroyo, avenue, bed, blowhole, box canyon, breach, break, canal, canyon, cavity, channel, chap, chasm, check, chimney, chink, chute ... meer laten zien.

Vind elders meer over flume: etymologie - rijmwoorden - Wikipedia.

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