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naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma


bijvoeglijk naamwoord

1 unlucky

Having or bringing misfortune:
— Friday the 13th is an unlucky date.

synoniem: luckless.

Roget 830: causing pain, hurting etc. v.; hurtful etc. (bad) 649; painful; dolorific, dolorous; unpleasant; unpleasing, ... meer laten zien

Roget 649: hurtful, harmful, scathful, baneful, baleful; injurious, deleterious, detrimental, noxious, pernicious, mischievous, full of mischief, mischief-making, malefic, ... meer laten zien

Nederlands: onfortuinlijk

2 unlucky

Marked by or promising bad fortune:
— The unlucky prisoner was again put in irons.

synoniemen: doomed, ill-fated, ill-omened, ill-starred.

Roget 735: unfortunate, unblest, unhappy, unlucky; improsperous, unprosperous; hoodooed [U.S.]; luckless, hapless; out of luck; in trouble, in a bad way, in an evil plight; ... meer laten zien

Roget 135: ill-timed, mistimed; ill-fated, ill-omened, ill-starred; untimely, unseasonable; out of date, out of season; inopportune, timeless, intrusive, untoward, ... meer laten zien

Moby betekeniswoordenboek: apocalyptic, bad, badly off, baleful, baneful, black, bodeful, boding, calamitous, cataclysmic, catastrophic, dark, depressed, dire, direful, disastrous, donsie, doomful, dreary, evil ... meer laten zien.

Vind elders meer over unlucky: etymologie - rijmwoorden - Wikipedia.

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