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zelfstandig naamwoord

1 innocent

A person who lacks knowledge of evil.

synoniem: inexperienced person.

Roget 948: good man, honest man, worthy.    good woman, perfect lady, Madonna.    model, paragon etc. (perfection) 650; good example; hero, ... meer laten zien

Roget 946: innocence; guiltlessness etc. adj.; incorruption, impeccability.    clean hands, clear conscience, mens sibi conscia recti [Lat.] [Vergil]. innocent, lamb, dove.    ... meer laten zien

Roget 501: fool, idiot, tomfool, wiseacre, simpleton, witling, dizzard, donkey, ass; ninny, ninnyhammer; chowderhead, chucklehead; dolt, ... meer laten zien

Nederlands: ingénue

bijvoeglijk naamwoord

1 innocent

Free from evil or guilt:
— An innocent child.
— The principle that one is innocent until proved guilty.

synoniemen: clean-handed, guiltless.

Roget 946: innocent, not guilty; unguilty; guiltless, faultless, sinless, stainless, bloodless, spotless; clear, immaculate; rectus in curia [Lat.]; unspotted, unblemished, ... meer laten zien

Roget 944: virtuous, good; innocent etc. 946; meritorious, deserving, worthy, desertful, correct; dutiful, duteous; moral; ... meer laten zien

Roget 939: upright; honest, honest as daylight; veracious etc. 543; virtuous etc. 944; honorable; fair, right, just, equitable, ... meer laten zien

2 innocent

Lacking intent or capacity to injure:
— An innocent prank.

synoniem: innocuous.

Roget 648: harmless, hurtless; unobnoxious, innocuous, innocent, inoffensive.    beneficial, valuable, of value; serviceable etc. (useful) 644; advantageous, ... meer laten zien

Roget 656: salubrious, salutary, salutiferous; wholesome; healthy, healthful; sanitary, prophYlactic, benign, bracing, tonic, invigorating, good for, nutritious; ... meer laten zien

3 innocent

Free from sin.

synoniemen: impeccant, sinless.

4 innocent

Lacking in sophistication or worldliness:
— A child's innocent stare.

synoniem: ingenuous.

Roget 703: artless, natural, pure, native, confiding, simple, lain, inartificial, untutored, unsophisticated, ingenu, unaffected, naive; sincere, ... meer laten zien

5 innocent

Not knowledgeable about something specified:
— American tourists wholly innocent of French.

synoniem: unacquainted.

6 innocent

Completely wanting or lacking:
— Innocent of literary merit.

synoniemen: barren, destitute, devoid, free.

7 innocent

used of things Lacking sense or awareness.

Moby betekeniswoordenboek: above suspicion, angel, angelic, artless, awkward, babe, bairn, beginner, benign, blameless, blankminded, blotless, bluff, blunt, boob, born yesterday, budding, callow, candid, chaste ... meer laten zien.

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