zelfstandig naamwoord
1 trophy
An award for success in war or hunting.
Roget 551: trace, vestige, relic, remains; scar, cicatrix; footstep, footmark†, footprint; pug; track mark, wake, trail, scent, piste†. monument, hatchment†, slab, tablet, trophy, achievement; obelisk, pillar, column, monolith; memorial; memento etc. (memory) 505; testimonial, medal; commemoration etc. (celebration) 883. record, note, minute; register, registry; roll etc. (list) 86; cartulary, diptych, Domesday book; catalogue raisonne [Fr.]; entry, memorandum, indorsement†, inscription, copy, duplicate, docket; notch etc. (mark) 550; muniment†, deed etc. (security) 771; document; deposition, proces verbal [Fr.]; affidavit; certificate etc. (evidence) 467. notebook, memorandum book, memo book, pocketbook, commonplace book; portfolio; pigeonholes, excerpta†, adversaria [Lat.], jottings, dottings†. gazette, gazetteer; newspaper, daily, magazine; almanac, almanack†; calendar, ephemeris, diary, log, journal, daybook, ledger; cashbook†, petty cashbook†; professional journal, scientific literature, the literature, primary literature, secondary literature, article, review article. archive, scroll, state paper, return, blue book; statistics etc. 86; compte rendu [Fr.]; Acts of, Transactions of, Proceedings of; Hansard's Debates; chronicle, annals, legend; history, biography etc. 594; Congressional Records. registration; registry; enrollment, inrollment†; tabulation; entry, booking; signature etc. (identification) 550; recorder etc. 553; journalism. [analog recording media] recording, tape recording, videotape. [digital recording media] compact disk; floppy disk, diskette; hard disk, Winchester disk; read-only memory, ROM; write once read mostly memory, WORM. ... meer laten zien
Roget 550: indication; symbolism, symbolization; semiology, semiotics, semeiology†, semeiotics†; Zeitgeist. [means of recognition: property] characteristic, diagnostic; lineament, feature, trait; fingerprint, voiceprint, footprint, noseprint [for animals]; cloven hoof; footfall; recognition (memory) 505. [means of recognition: tool] diagnostic, divining rod; detector. sign, symbol; index, indice†, indicator; point, pointer; exponent, note, token, symptom; dollar sign, dollar mark. type, figure, emblem, cipher, device; representation etc. 554; epigraph, motto, posy. gesture, gesticulation; pantomime; wink, glance, leer; nod, shrug, beck; touch, nudge; dactylology†, dactylonomy†; freemasonry, telegraphy, chirology [Med.], byplay, dumb show; cue; hint etc. 527; clue, clew, key, scent. signal, signal post; rocket, blue light; watch fire, watch tower; telegraph, semaphore, flagstaff; cresset†, fiery cross; calumet; heliograph; guidon; headlight. [sign (evidence) on physobj of contact with another physobj] mark, scratch, line, stroke, dash, score, stripe, streak, tick, dot, point, notch, nick. print; imprint, impress, impression. [symbols accompanying written text to signify modified interpretation] keyboard symbols, printing symbols; [Symbols for emphasis], red letter, italics, sublineation†, underlining, bold font; jotting; note, annotation, reference; blaze, cedilla, guillemets†, hachure [Topo.]; [Special Characters list], quotation marks, "; double quotes, " "; parentheses, "( )"; brackets, "[ ]"; braces, "{ }", curly brackets; arrows, slashes; left parenthesis, "("; right parenthesis, ")"; opening bracket, "["; closing bracket, "]"; left curly brace, "{"; right curly brace, "}"; left arrow, ""; forward slash, "/"; backward slash, "\\"; exclamation point, "!"; commercial at, "@"; pound sign, "#"; percent sign, "%"; carat, "^"; ampersand, "&"; asterisk, "*"; hyphen, "-"; dash, "-", "_"; em dash, "--"; plus sign, "+"; equals sign, "="; question mark, "?"; period, "."; semicolon, ";"; colon, ":"; comma, ","; apostrophe, "'"; single quote, "'"; tilde, "~". [For identification: general] badge, criterion; countercheck†, countermark†, countersign, counterfoil; duplicate, tally; label, ticket, billet, letter, counter, check, chip, chop; dib†; totem; tessera†, card, bill; witness, voucher; stamp; cacher [Fr.]; trade mark, Hall mark. [For identification of people, on a document] signature, mark, autograph, autography; attestation; hand, hand writing, sign manual; cipher; seal, sigil [Lat.], signet, hand and seal [Law]; paraph†, brand; superscription; indorsement†, endorsement. [For identification of people, to gain access to restricted (locations or information)] password, watchword, catchword; security card, pass, passkey; credentials etc. (evidence) 467; open sesame; timbrology†; mot de passe [Fr.], mot du guet [Fr.]; pass-parole; shibboleth. title, heading, docket. address card, visiting card; carte de visite [Fr.]. insignia; banner, banneret†, bannerol†; bandrol†; flag, colors, streamer, standard, eagle, labarum†, oriflamb†, oriflamme; figurehead; ensign; pennon, pennant, pendant; burgee†, blue Peter, jack, ancient, gonfalon, union jack; banderole, old glory [U.S.], quarantine flag; vexillum†; yellow-flag, yellow jack; tricolor, stars and stripes; bunting. heraldry, crest; coat of arms, arms; armorial bearings, hatchment†; escutcheon, scutcheon; shield, supporters; livery, uniform; cockade, epaulet, chevron; garland, love knot, favor. [Of locality] beacon, cairn, post, staff, flagstaff, hand, pointer, vane, cock, weathercock; guidepost, handpost†, fingerpost†, directing post, signpost; pillars of Hercules, pharos; bale-fire, beacon-fire; l'etoile du Nord [Fr.]; landmark, seamark; lighthouse, balize†; polestar, loadstar†, lodestar; cynosure, guide; address, direction, name; sign, signboard. [Of the future] warning etc. 668; omen etc. 512; prefigurement etc. 511. [Of the past] trace, record &c., 551. [Of danger] warning etc. 668, alarm etc. 669. [of authority]. scepter etc. 747. [of triumph]. trophy etc. 733. [of quantity]. gauge etc. 466. [Of Distance] milestone, milepost. [Of disgrace], brand, fool's cap. [For detection], check, telltale; test etc. (experiment) 463; mileage ticket; milliary†. notification etc. (information) 527; advertisement etc. (publication) 531. word of command, call; bugle call, trumpet call; bell, alarum, cry; battle cry, rallying cry; angelus†; reveille; sacring bell†, sanctus bell [Lat.]. exposition etc. (explanation) 522, proof etc. (evidence) 463; pattern etc. (prototype) 22. ... meer laten zien
Roget 883: celebration, solemnization, jubilee, commemoration, ovation, paean, triumph, jubilation, ceremony (rite) 998; holiday, fiesta, zarabanda†, revelry, feast (amusement) 840; china anniversary, diamond anniversary, golden anniversary, silver anniversary, tin anniversary, china jubilee, diamond jubilee, golden jubilee, silver jubilee, tin jubilee, china wedding, diamond wedding, golden wedding, silver wedding, tin wedding. triumphal arch, bonfire, salute; salvo, salvo of artillery; feu de joie [Fr.], flourish of trumpets, fanfare, colors flying, illuminations. inauguration, installation, presentation; coronation; Lord Mayor's show; harvest-home, red-letter day; trophy etc. 733; Te Deum etc. (thanksgiving) 990 [Lat.]; fete etc. 882; holiday etc. 840; Forefathers' Day [U.S.]. ... meer laten zien
2 trophy
Something given as a token of victory.
synoniem: prize.
Roget 733: trophy; medal, prize, palm, award; laurel, laurels; bays, crown, chaplet, wreath, civic crown; insignia etc. 550; feather in one's cap etc. (honor) 873; decoration etc. 877; garland, triumphal arch, Victoria Cross, Iron Cross. triumph etc. (celebration) 883; flying colors etc. (show) 882. monumentum aere perennius [Horace]. ... meer laten zien
is een specifiek soort: accolade, award, honor, honour, laurels.
is een bredere term voor o.a.: apple of discord | booby prize | bronze medal | cup, loving cup | gold medal | silver, silver medal.
Nederlands: trofee, zegeteken
Pools: trofeum, nagroda
Moby betekeniswoordenboek: Old Mug, ambition, arch, award, barrow, bays, boast, booty, boundary stone, brass, bust, cairn, catch, cenotaph, chaplet, citation, civic crown, column, commemoration, cromlech, cross, crown, cup, cyclolith, dearest wish, desideration, desideratum, desire, diamond, dolmen, favor, find, footstone, forbidden fruit, garland, gem, glimmering goal, godsend, gold, golden vision, good thing, grave, gravestone, headstone, hoarstone, honors, hope, inscription, jewel, keepsake, laurel, laurels, lodestone, loving cup, magnet, marker, mausoleum, medal, megalith, memento, memento mori, memorabilia, memorial, memorial arch, memorial column, memorial statue, memorial stone, memorials, memories, menhir, monolith, monument, mound, necrology, obelisk, obituary, palm, palms, pearl, pillar, plaque, plum, pot, pride, pride and joy, prize, pyramid, record, relic, reliquary, remembrance, remembrancer, reminder, reward, ribbon, rostral column, shaft, shrine, silver, silverware, souvenir, spoils, stela, stone, stupa, tablet, temptation, testimonial, token, token of remembrance, tomb, tombstone, tope, treasure, trouvaille, windfall, winner, wish, wreath ... meer laten zien.
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