Engelse synoniemen over ons - contact  
instantblink of an eyeflashheartbeatjiffyNew York minutesplit secondtricetwinklingwinkbitminutemomomentsecond

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1 instant

A very short time (as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat).

synoniemen: blink of an eye, flash, heartbeat, jiffy, New York minute, split second, trice, twinkling, wink.

Roget 113: instantaneity, instantaneousness, immediacy; suddenness, abruptness.    moment, instant, second, minute; twinkling, trice, flash, breath, ... meer laten zien

Nederlands: handomdraai, mum, moment, pols, flits

2 instant

A particular point in time.

synoniemen: minute, moment, second.

Nederlands: poosje, tel, moment, ogenblik, stonde, tijd, tijdstip, ure, uur

bijvoeglijk naamwoord

1 instant

Occurring with no delay:
— Relief was instantaneous.
— Instant gratification.

synoniem: instantaneous.

Roget 642: important; of importance etc. n.; momentous, material; to the point; not to be overlooked, not to be despised, not to be sneezed at; egregious; weighty etc. (influential) ... meer laten zien

Roget 118: present, actual, instant, current, existing, extant, that is; present-day, up-to-date, up-to-the-moment.   

Roget 113: instantaneous, momentary, sudden, immediate, instant, abrupt, discontinuous, precipitous, precipitant, precipitate; subitaneous, hasty; quick as thought, quick as lightning, ... meer laten zien

Roget 682: active, brisk, brisk as a lark, brisk as a bee; lively, animated, vivacious; alive, alive and kicking; frisky, spirited, stirring.    nimble, nimble as a squirrel; ... meer laten zien

Roget 152: impending etc. v.; destined; about to be, happen; coming, in store, to come, going to happen, instant, at hand, near; ... meer laten zien

2 instant

In or of the present month.

synoniem: inst.

3 instant

Demanding attention:
— An instant need.

synoniemen: clamant, crying, exigent, insistent.

Roget 630: required etc. v.; requisite, needful, necessary, imperative, essential, indispensable, prerequisite; called for; in demand, in request.    urgent, ... meer laten zien

Moby betekeniswoordenboek: a breath, about to be, actual, acute, alert, already in sight, approaching, apt, as is, at hand, being, bit, breath, breathing, brewing, burning, clamant, clamorous, close, close at hand ... meer laten zien.

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