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radicalchemical groupgroupbuilding blockunitacylacyl groupalcohol groupalcohol radicalaldehyde groupaldehyde radicalalkylalkyl groupalkyl radicalallylallyl groupallyl radicalaminoamino groupamylazido groupazido radicalazo groupazo radicalbenzylbenzyl groupbenzyl radicalbenzoyl groupbenzoyl radicalarsenic groupcacodylcacodyl groupcacodyl radicalcarbonyl groupcarboxylcarboxyl groupchromophorecyanide groupcyanide radicalcyano groupcyano radicalglycerylhydrazo grouphydrazo radicalhydroxylhydroxyl grouphydroxyl radical

naar bijbehorend lemma


zelfstandig naamwoord

1 radical

chemistry Two or more atoms bound together as a single unit and forming part of a molecule.

synoniemen: chemical group, group.

Roget 658: improvement; amelioration, melioration; betterment; mend, amendment, emendation; mending etc. v.; advancement; advance etc. (progress) ... meer laten zien

Pools: grupa, grupa funkcyjna, podstawnik

2 radical

An atom or group of atoms with at least one unpaired electron; in the body it is usually an oxygen molecule that has lost an electron and will stabilize itself by stealing an electron from a nearby molecule:
— In the body free radicals are high-energy particles that ricochet wildly and damage cells.

synoniem: free radical.

Nederlands: radicaal
Pools: rodnik, wolny rodnik

3 radical

A person who has radical ideas or opinions.

Pools: radykalista, radykał, ultras, ekstremista

4 radical

mathematics A quantity expressed as the root of another quantity.

5 radical

A character conveying the lexical meaning of a logogram.

6 radical

linguistics The form of a word after all affixes are removed.

synoniemen: base, root, root word, stem, theme.

Nederlands: stam
Pools: morfem leksykalny, pierwiastek, rdzeń, pień

bijvoeglijk naamwoord

1 radical

used of opinions and actions Far beyond the norm:
— Radical opinions on education.

synoniemen: extremist, ultra.

Roget 153: caused etc. v.; causal, original; primary, primitive, primordial; aboriginal; protogenal; radical; embryonic, embryotic; in embryo, ... meer laten zien

Roget 642: important; of importance etc. n.; momentous, material; to the point; not to be overlooked, not to be despised, not to be sneezed at; egregious; weighty etc. (influential) ... meer laten zien

Roget 52: complete, entire; whole etc. 50; perfect etc. 650; full, good, absolute, thorough, plenary; solid, ... meer laten zien

Roget 5: derived from within, subjective; intrinsic, intrinsical; fundamental, normal; implanted, inherent, essential, natural; innate, inborn, inbred, ingrained, ... meer laten zien

Roget 84: numeral, complementary, divisible, aliquot, reciprocal, prime, relatively prime, fractional, decimal, figurate, incommensurable.    proportional, exponential, logarithmic, ... meer laten zien

Pools: skrajny, krańcowy

2 radical

Markedly new or introducing radical change:
— Radical political views.

synoniem: revolutionary.

Pools: rewolucyjny

3 radical

Arising from or going to the root or source.

4 radical

Of or relating to or constituting a linguistic root.

Pools: rdzenny

5 radical

Especially of leaves; located at the base of a plant or stem; especially arising directly from the root or rootstock or a root-like stem:
— Radical leaves.

synoniem: basal.

Moby betekeniswoordenboek: Bolshevik, Bolshevist, Fabian, Gospel side, IC analysis, Jacobin, Kekule formula, Wobbly, ab ovo, aboriginal, absolute, accidence, acid, acidity, advanced, affix, affixation, agent, agitator, algorismic ... meer laten zien.

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