radical als zelfstandig naamwoord: 1
als bijvoeglijk naamwoord: 1
radical chemical group group building block unit acyl acyl group alcohol group alcohol radical aldehyde group aldehyde radical alkyl alkyl group alkyl radical allyl allyl group allyl radical amino amino group amyl azido group azido radical azo group azo radical benzyl benzyl group benzyl radical benzoyl group benzoyl radical arsenic group cacodyl cacodyl group cacodyl radical carbonyl group carboxyl carboxyl group chromophore cyanide group cyanide radical cyano group cyano radical glyceryl hydrazo group hydrazo radical hydroxyl hydroxyl group hydroxyl radical naar bijbehorend lemma
radical zelfstandig naamwoord
1 radical chemistry Two or more atoms bound together as a single unit and forming part of a molecule.
synoniemen: chemical group , group .
Roget 658 :
improvement ;
amelioration ,
melioration ;
betterment ;
mend ,
amendment ,
emendation ;
advancement ;
282 ;
305 ;
promotion ,
preferment ;
307 ;
35 ;
cultivation ,
civilization ;
culture ,
march of intellect ;
menticulture † ;
race-culture ,
eugenics .
reform ,
reformation ;
revision ,
radical reform ;
second thoughts ,
correction ,
limoe labor [Lat.] ,
refinement ,
elaboration ;
652 ;
oxidation ;
660 ;
660 .
revise ,
new edition .
reformer ,
radical .
... meer laten zien
Pools: grupa, grupa funkcyjna, podstawnik
2 radical An atom or group of atoms with at least one unpaired electron; in the body it is usually an oxygen molecule that has lost an electron and will stabilize itself by stealing an electron from a nearby molecule:— In the body free radicals are high-energy particles that ricochet wildly and damage cells.
synoniem: free radical .
Nederlands: radicaal Pools: rodnik, wolny rodnik
3 radical A person who has radical ideas or opinions.
Pools: radykalista, radykał, ultras, ekstremista
4 radical mathematics A quantity expressed as the root of another quantity.
5 radical A character conveying the lexical meaning of a logogram.
6 radical linguistics The form of a word after all affixes are removed.
synoniemen: base , root , root word , stem , theme .
Nederlands: stam Pools: morfem leksykalny, pierwiastek, rdzeń, pień
bijvoeglijk naamwoord
1 radical used of opinions and actions Far beyond the norm:— Radical opinions on education.
synoniemen: extremist , ultra .
Roget 153 :
causal ,
original ;
primary ,
primitive ,
primordial ;
aboriginal ;
protogenal † ;
radical ;
embryonic ,
embryotic † ;
in embryo ,
in ovo [Lat.] ;
seminal ,
germinal ;
at the bottom of ;
connate ,
having a common origin .
... meer laten zien
Roget 642 :
important ;
of importance
momentous ,
material ;
to the point ;
not to be overlooked ,
not to be despised ,
not to be sneezed at ;
egregious ;
175 ;
of note
873 ;
notable ,
prominent ,
salient ,
signal ;
memorable ,
remarkable ;
unforgettable ;
worthy of remark ,
worthy of notice ;
never to be forgotten ;
stirring ,
eventful .
grave ,
serious ,
earnest ,
noble ,
grand ,
solemn ,
impressive ,
commanding ,
imposing .
urgent ,
pressing ,
critical ,
instant .
paramount ,
essential ,
vital ,
all-absorbing ,
radical ,
cardinal ,
chief ,
main ,
prime ,
primary ,
principal ,
leading ,
capital ,
foremost ,
overruling ;
of vital importance
in the front rank ,
first-rate ;
33 ;
31 ;
137 .
significant ,
telling ,
trenchant ,
emphatic ,
pregnant ;
tanti [Lat.] .
... meer laten zien
Roget 52 :
complete ,
entire ;
50 ;
650 ;
full ,
good ,
absolute ,
thorough ,
plenary ;
solid ,
undivided ;
with all its parts ;
all-sided .
exhaustive ,
radical ,
sweeping ,
thorough-going ;
dead .
regular ,
consummate ,
unmitigated ,
sheer ,
unqualified ,
unconditional ,
free ;
639 .
brimming ;
brimful ,
topful ,
topfull ;
chock full ,
choke full ;
as full as an egg is of meat ,
as full as a vetch ;
saturated ,
crammed ;
641 ;
fraught ,
laden ;
full-laden ,
full-fraught ,
full-charged ;
heavy laden .
supplemental ,
supplementary ;
ascititious † .
... meer laten zien
Roget 5 :
derived from within ,
subjective ;
intrinsic ,
intrinsical † ;
fundamental ,
normal ;
implanted ,
inherent ,
essential ,
natural ;
innate ,
inborn ,
inbred ,
ingrained ,
inwrought ;
coeval with birth ,
genetous † ,
haematobious † ,
syngenic † ;
radical ,
incarnate ,
thoroughbred ,
hereditary ,
inherited ,
immanent ;
congenital ,
congenite † ;
connate ,
running in the blood ;
ingenerate † ,
ingenite † ;
indigenous ;
in the grain
bred in the bone ,
instinctive ;
inward ,
221 ;
to the manner born ;
virtual .
79 ,
550 ;
invariable ,
incurable ,
incorrigible ,
ineradicable ,
fixed .
... meer laten zien
Roget 84 :
numeral ,
complementary ,
divisible ,
aliquot ,
reciprocal ,
prime ,
relatively prime ,
fractional ,
decimal ,
figurate † ,
incommensurable .
proportional ,
exponential ,
logarithmic ,
logometric † ,
differential ,
fluxional † ,
integral ,
totitive † .
positive ,
negative ;
rational ,
irrational ;
surd ,
radical ,
real ;
complex ,
imaginary ;
finite ;
infinite ;
impossible .
... meer laten zien
Pools: skrajny, krańcowy
2 radical Markedly new or introducing radical change:— Radical political views.
synoniem: revolutionary .
Pools: rewolucyjny
3 radical Arising from or going to the root or source.
4 radical Of or relating to or constituting a linguistic root.
Pools: rdzenny
5 radical Especially of leaves; located at the base of a plant or stem; especially arising directly from the root or rootstock or a root-like stem:— Radical leaves.
synoniem: basal .
Moby betekeniswoordenboek: Bolshevik , Bolshevist , Fabian , Gospel side , IC analysis , Jacobin , Kekule formula , Wobbly , ab ovo , aboriginal , absolute , accidence , acid , acidity , advanced , affix , affixation , agent , agitator , algorismic , algorithmic , aliquot , alkali , alkalinity , all-embracing , all-encompassing , all-inclusive , all-out , all-pervading , alloisomer , allomorph , anarchist , anarchistic , anarcho-syndicalist , anion , antacid , arrowhead , at the height , at the limit , atom , atomic cluster , basal , base , basement , basic , basilar , basis , bearing wall , bed , bedding , bedrock , beginning , benzene ring , biochemical , born , bottom , bound morpheme , branched chain , broad , broad-based , broad-minded , cantorial side , cardinal , cataclysmic , catastrophic , cation , central , chain , character , chemical , chemical element , chromoisomer , clean , clear , closed chain , commencement , communist , complete , compound , compound radical , comprehensive , conception , congenital , conjugation , constituent , constitutional , constitutive , consummate , copolymer , corrective , counterclockwise , crucial , cuneiform , cutting , cycle , decimal , declension , deep , deep-dyed , deep-seated , demotic character , derivation , determinative , difference of form , differential , digital , dimer , downright , drastic , dyad , dyed-in-the-wool , egregious , element , elemental , elementary , embryonic , emendatory , enclitic , entire , essential , even , exhaustive , exponential , extreme , extreme left-winger , extremist , extremistic , fanatic , fanatical , far out , figural , figurate , figurative , finite , floor , flooring , fond , footing , formative , foundation , foundational , fractional , free form , fundament , fundamental , furthest , generative , genesis , genetic , germinal , gradualistic , grammalogue , grass roots , greatest , ground , grounds , groundwork , gut , hardpan , head , heavy chemicals , heptad , heterocycle , hexad , hieratic symbol , hieroglyph , hieroglyphic , hieroglyphics , high polymer , hiragana , homocycle , homopolymer , hydracid , ideogram , ideograph , imaginary , immediate constituent analysis , immoderate , impair , impossible , in embryo , in ovo , inception , infinite , infix , infixation , inflection , inherent , inorganic chemical , insurgent , insurrectionary , insurrectionist , integral , intensive , intrinsic , ion , irrational , isomer , kana , katakana , larboard , lattice , left , left hand , left wing , left-hand , left-hand side , left-wing , left-wing extremist , left-winger , left-wingish , leftist , levorotatory , liberal , logarithmic , logogram , logograph , logometric , lunatic fringe , macromolecule , material , meliorist , melioristic , metamer , mild radical , mildly radical , militant , molecule , monad , monomer , morph , morpheme , morphemic analysis , morphemics , morphology , morphophonemics , most , natural , near , near side , negative , neutralizer , nigh , nihilist , nihilistic , nonacid , numeral , numerary , numerative , numeric , octad , odd , of the essence , ogham , omnibus , omnipresent , ordinal , organic , organic chemical , origin , original , origination , out-and-out , outright , oxyacid , pair , paradigm , parlor Bolshevik , parlor pink , pavement , pentad , perfect , pervasive , phonetic , phonetic symbol , pictogram , pictograph , pink , pinko , plain , plumb , polymer , port , port tack , portside , positive , possible , prefix , prefixation , pregnant , primal , primary , prime , primeval , primitive , primordial , principal , principle , pristine , proclitic , profound , progressionist , progressist , progressive , progressivist , protogenic , provenience , pseudoisomer , pure , rabid , radix , rational , reagent , rebel , reciprocal , red , reformational , reformative , reformatory , reformer , reformist , reformistic , regular , revisional , revisionist , revisory , revolutional , revolutionary , revolutionist , revulsionary , revulsive , ring , riprap , rise , rock bottom , root , rudiment , rudimentary , rune , sans-culotte , seat , secessionist , seminal , separatist , severe , sheer , shorthand , side chain , sill , simple radical , sinister , sinistral , sinistrocerebral , sinistrocular , sinistrogyrate , sinistrorse , solid ground , solid rock , source , space-lattice , stem , stereobate , stock , straight , straight chain , stylobate , submultiple , substantial , substantive , substratum , substruction , substructure , subversive , suffix , suffixation , sulfacid , surd , sweeping , syndicalist , taproot , terra firma , tetrad , theme , thorough , thoroughgoing , through-and-through , tolerant , too much , total , transcendental , transilient , triad , trimer , ubiquitous , ultra , ultra-ultra , ultraconservative , ultraist , ultraistic , unconditional , underbuilding , undercarriage , undergirding , underlying , underpinning , understruction , understructure , universal , unmitigated , unqualified , unreserved , unrestricted , utmost , utopian , utopist , utter , uttermost , veritable , verso , vital , way out , wedge , wholesale , wide , word letter , word-formation , wrong side , yippie , zealot ... meer laten zien .
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