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naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma


zelfstandig naamwoord

1 living

The experience of being alive; the course of human events and activities.

synoniem: life.

Roget 995: church, churchdom; ministry, apostleship, priesthood, prelacy, hierarch, church government, christendom, pale of the church.    clericalism, sacerdotalism, episcopalianism, ... meer laten zien

Roget 625: business, occupation, employment; pursuit etc. 622; what one is doing, what one is about; affair, concern, matter, case.    matter in hand, ... meer laten zien

2 living

People who are still living.

3 living

The condition of living or the state of being alive.

synoniemen: aliveness, animation, life.

Nederlands: aanzijn, leven, voortbestaan

4 living

The financial means whereby one lives.

synoniemen: bread and butter, keep, livelihood, support, sustenance.

Nederlands: levensonderhoud
Pools: życie, utrzymywanie się

bijvoeglijk naamwoord

1 living

Pertaining to living persons.

Roget 359: living, alive; in life, in the flesh, in the land of the living; on this side of the grave, above ground, breathing, quick, animated; animative; lively etc. (active) ... meer laten zien

2 living

True to life; lifelike.

3 living

informal Absolute.

4 living

Still in existence:
— The Wollemi pine found in Australia is a surviving specimen of a conifer thought to have been long extinct and therefore known as a living fossil.

synoniem: surviving.

5 living

Still in active use.

6 living

used of minerals or stone In its natural state and place; not mined or quarried.


Roget 625: pass one's time in, employ one's time in, spend one's time in; employ oneself in, employ oneself upon; occupy oneself with, concern oneself with; make it one's business etc. n.; undertake etc. 676; ... meer laten zien

Moby betekeniswoordenboek: TLC, abiding, ablaze, abode, aboveground, active, acute, advowson, afire, aflame, aflicker, aggressive, aglow, alight, alimony, alive, alive and kicking, among the living, animal spirits, animate ... meer laten zien.

Vind elders meer over living: etymologie - rijmwoorden - Wikipedia.

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