section subdivision piece of writing writing written material music lead lead-in lede canto above sports section article clause book chapter episode spot spot insert introduction narration close closing conclusion end ending passage mezuza mezuzah sura exposition naar bijbehorend lemma
section zelfstandig naamwoord
1 section A self-contained part of a larger composition (written or musical):— He always turns first to the business section. — The history of this work is discussed in the next section.
synoniem: subdivision .
Roget 44 :
disjunction ,
disconnection ,
disunity ,
disunion ,
disassociation ,
disengagement ;
70 ;
abjunction † ;
cataclasm † ;
inconnection † ;
abstraction ,
abstractedness ;
isolation ;
insularity ,
insulation ;
oasis ;
island ;
severalty ;
disjecta membra [Lat.] ;
73 ;
786 .
separation ;
circumcision ;
detachment ,
segregation ;
divorce ,
sejunction † ,
seposition † ,
diduction † ,
diremption † ,
discerption † ;
elision ;
caesura ,
break ,
fracture ,
division ,
subdivision ,
rupture ;
compartition † ;
dismemberment ,
dislocation ;
luxation † ;
severance ,
disseverance ;
scission ;
rescission ,
abscission ;
laceration ,
dilaceration † ;
disruption ,
abruption † ;
avulsion † ,
divulsion † ;
section ,
resection ,
cleavage ;
fission ;
partibility † ,
separability .
fissure ,
breach ,
rent ,
split ,
rift ,
crack ,
slit ,
incision .
dissection anatomy ;
49 ;
cutting instrument
253 ;
buzzsaw ,
circular saw ,
rip saw .
separatist .
... meer laten zien
Roget 726 :
combatant ;
disputant ,
controversialist ,
polemic ,
litigant ,
belligerent ;
competitor ,
rival ,
corrival † ;
fighter ,
assailant ;
champion ,
Paladin ;
mosstrooper † ,
swashbuckler fire eater ,
duelist ,
bully ,
bludgeon man ,
rough .
prize fighter ,
pugilist ,
boxer ,
bruiser ,
the fancy ,
gladiator ,
athlete ,
wrestler ;
fighting-cock ,
game-cock ;
warrior ,
soldier ,
fighting man ,
Amazon ,
man at arms ,
armigerent † ;
campaigner ,
veteran ;
swordsman ,
sabreur † ,
redcoat ,
military man ,
Rajput .
armed force ,
troops ,
soldiery ,
military forces ,
sabaoth † ,
the army ,
standing army ,
regulars ,
the line ,
troops of the line ,
militia ,
yeomanry ,
volunteers ,
trainband ,
fencible † ;
auxiliary ,
bersagliere † ,
brave ;
garde-nationale ,
garde-royale [Fr.] ;
minuteman [U.S.] ;
auxiliary forces ,
reserve forces ;
reserves ,
posse comitatus [Lat.] ,
national guard ,
gendarme ,
beefeater ;
guards ,
guardsman ;
yeomen of the guard ,
life guards ,
household troops .
janissary ;
myrmidon ;
Mama ,
Mameluke ;
spahee † ,
spahi † ,
Cossack ,
Croat ,
Pandoz .
irregular ,
guerilla ,
partisan ,
condottiere † ;
franctireur [Fr.] ,
tirailleur † ,
bashi-bazouk ;
[guerilla organization names: list],
vietminh ,
vietcong ;
shining path ;
contras ;
huk ,
hukbalahap .
mercenary ,
soldier of fortune ;
hired gun ,
gunfighter ,
gunslinger ;
bushwhacker ,
free lance ,
companion ;
Hessian .
hit man
torpedo ,
soldier .
levy ,
draught ;
Landwehr [G.] ,
Landsturm [G.] ;
conscript ,
recruit ,
cadet ,
raw levies .
infantry ,
infantryman ,
private ,
private soldier ,
foot soldier ;
Tommy Atkins † ,
rank and file ,
peon ,
trooper ,
sepoy † ,
legionnaire ,
legionary ,
cannon fodder ,
food for powder ;
745 ;
subaltern ,
ensign ,
standard bearer ;
spearman ,
pikeman † ;
spear bearer ;
halberdier † ,
lancer ;
musketeer ,
carabineer † ,
rifleman ,
jager [G.] ,
sharpshooter ,
yager † ,
skirmisher ;
grenadier ,
fusileer † ;
archer ,
bowman .
horse and foot ;
horse soldier ;
cavalry ,
horse ,
artillery ,
horse artillery ,
light horse ,
voltigeur [Fr.] ,
uhlan ,
mounted rifles ,
dragoon ,
hussar ;
light dragoon ,
heavy dragoon ;
heavy ;
cuirassier [Fr.] ;
Foot Guards ,
Horse Guards .
gunner ,
cannoneer ,
bombardier ,
artilleryman † ,
matross † ;
sapper ,
sapper and miner ;
engineer ;
light infantry ,
rifles ,
chasseur [Fr.] ,
zouave ;
military train ,
coolie .
army ,
corps d'armee [Fr.] ,
host ,
division ,
battalia † ,
column ,
wing ,
detachment ,
garrison ,
flying column ,
brigade ,
regiment ,
corps ,
battalion ,
sotnia † ,
squadron ,
company ,
platoon ,
battery ,
subdivision ,
section ,
squad ;
piquet ,
picket ,
guard ,
rank ,
file ;
legion ,
phalanx ,
cohort ;
cloud of skirmishers .
war horse ,
charger ,
destrier .
marine ,
man-of-war's man
269 ;
navy ,
wooden walls ,
naval forces ,
fleet ,
flotilla ,
armada ,
squadron .
[ships of war]
man-of-war ;
destroyer ;
submarine ;
minesweeper ;
torpedo-boat ,
torpedo-destroyer ;
patrol torpedo boat ,
PT boat ;
torpedo-catcher ,
war castle ,
H . M.S.;
battleship ,
battle wagon ,
dreadnought ,
line of battle ship ,
ship of the line ;
aircraft carrier ,
carrier .
flattop [Coll.] ;
helicopter carrier ;
missile platform ,
missile boat ;
ironclad ,
turret ship ,
ram ,
monitor ,
floating battery ;
first-rate ,
frigate ,
sloop of war ,
corvette ,
gunboat ,
bomb vessel ;
flagship ,
guard ship ,
cruiser ;
armored cruiser ,
protected cruiser ;
privateer .
[supporting ships]
tender ;
store ship ,
troop ship ;
transport ,
catamaran ;
merchant marine .
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Pools: dział
2 section A very thin slice (of tissue or mineral or other substance) for examination under a microscope.
3 section A distinct region or subdivision of a territorial or political area or community or group of people.
4 section One of several parts or pieces that fit with others to constitute a whole object:— A section of a fishing rod. — Metal sections were used below ground.
synoniem: segment .
Nederlands: bolsegment, segment Pools: segment
5 section A small team of policemen working as part of a police platoon.
6 section One of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole:— The finance section of the company.
synoniemen: division , part .
Roget 51 :
part ,
portion ;
dose ;
item ,
particular ;
aught ,
any ;
division ,
ward ;
subdivision ,
section ;
chapter ,
clause ,
count ,
paragraph ,
verse ;
article ,
passage ;
sector ,
segment ;
fraction ,
fragment ;
cantle ,
frustum ;
detachment ,
parcel .
piece [Fr.] ,
lump ,
bit cut ,
cutting ;
chip ,
chunk ,
collop † ,
slice ,
scale ;
204 ;
small part ;
morsel ,
32 ;
installment ,
dividend ;
786 .
debris ,
odds and ends ,
oddments ,
detritus ;
excerpta † ;
member ,
limb ,
lobe ,
lobule ,
arm ,
wing ,
scion ,
branch ,
bough ,
joint ,
link ,
offshoot ,
ramification ,
twig ,
bush ,
spray ,
sprig ;
runner ;
leaf ,
leaflet ;
stump ;
component part
56 ;
sarmentum † .
compartment ;
75 ;
181 .
... meer laten zien
Roget 75 :
class ,
division ,
category ,
categorema † ,
head ,
order ,
section ;
department ,
subdepartment ,
province ,
domain .
kind ,
sort ,
genus ,
species ,
variety ,
family ,
order ,
kingdom ,
race ,
tribe ,
caste ,
sept ,
clan ,
breed ,
type ,
subtype ,
kit ,
sect ,
set ,
subset ;
assortment ;
feather ,
kidney ;
suit ;
range ;
gender ,
sex ,
kin .
manner ,
description ,
denomination ,
designation ,
rubric ,
character ,
stamp predicament ;
indication ,
particularization ,
selection ,
specification .
17 .
... meer laten zien
Roget 593 :
booklet ;
writing ,
work ,
volume ,
tome ,
opuscule † ;
tract ,
tractate † ;
livret † ;
brochure ,
libretto ,
handbook ,
codex ,
manual ,
pamphlet ,
enchiridion † ,
circular ,
publication ;
chap book .
part ,
issue ,
number livraison [Fr.] ;
album ,
portfolio ;
periodical ,
serial ,
magazine ,
ephemeris ,
annual ,
journal .
paper ,
bill ,
sheet ,
broadsheet † ;
leaf ,
leaflet ;
fly leaf ,
page ;
quire ,
ream .
[subdivisions of a book]
chapter ,
section ,
head ,
article ,
paragraph ,
passage ,
clause ;
endpapers ,
frontispiece ;
cover ,
binding .
folio ,
quarto ,
octavo ;
duodecimo † ,
sextodecimo † ,
octodecimo † .
encyclopedia ;
encompilation † .
[collection of books]
library ,
bibliotheca † .
531 .
[complete description]
definitive work ,
treatise ,
comprehensive treatise
595 .
[person who writes a book]
writer ,
author ,
litterateur [Fr.] ,
essayist ,
journalism ;
pen ,
scribbler ,
the scribbling race ;
literary hack ,
Grub-street writer ;
writer for the press ,
gentleman of the press ,
representative of the press ;
adjective jerker † ,
diaskeaust † ,
ghost ,
hack writer ,
ink slinger ;
publicist ;
reporter ,
penny a liner ;
editor ,
subeditor † ;
599 ;
597 .
bookseller ,
publisher ;
bibliopole † ,
bibliopolist † ;
librarian ;
bookstore ,
bookshop ,
bookseller's shop .
knowledge of books ,
bibliography ;
book learning
490 .
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Nederlands: deel, hoofdafdeling, taks Pools: odłam
7 section A land unit equal to 1 square mile.
8 section geometry The area created by a plane cutting through a solid.
synoniem: plane section .
9 section A small class of students who are part of a larger course but are taught separately:— A graduate student taught sections for the professor's lecture course.
synoniem: discussion section .
10 section A division of an orchestra containing all instruments of the same class.
11 section A small army unit usually having a special function.
12 section A specialized division of a large organization:— She got a job in the historical section of the Treasury.
synoniem: department .
Nederlands: tak, departement, afdeling, sectie Pools: dział, wydział, pion, sekcja
13 section A segment of a citrus fruit.
Nederlands: partje
14 section The cutting of or into body tissues or organs (especially by a surgeon as part of an operation).
synoniemen: incision , surgical incision .
1 section Divide into segments.
synoniem: segment .
Moby betekeniswoordenboek: KP , abscission , adjunct , airspace , allocate , allot , amputation , anacrusis , anastomotic operation , apportion , area , army , army group , article , back matter , bass passage , battalion , battery , battle group , belt , biotype , block , blood , bloodless operation , book , bourdon , bracket , branch , break up , bridge , brigade , burden , butchering , cadence , cadre , capital operation , caste , category , chapter , chopping , chorus , clan , class , clause , cleavage , cleave , clos , close , coda , cohort , column , combat command , combat team , company , compensating operation , component , confines , continental shelf , contingent , corneal transplant , corps , corridor , country , crescent operation , croft , cross section , cut , cut up , cutting , department , detachment , detail , development , dichotomy , district , divide , divide up , division , divvy , divvy up , dole , elective operation , element , emergency operation , enclave , enucleation , environs , estate , excision , exploratory operation , exposition , family , fascicle , fenestration operation , field , field army , field train , figure , file , fission , flying column , folderol , folio , forty , fraction , front matter , garrison , gathering , genotype , genus , grade , ground , group , grouping , harmonic close , head , heading , heart transplant , heartland , hinterland , installment , interlude , intermezzo , interval operation , introductory phrase , item , kidney transplant , kin , kingdom , kitchen police , kraal , label , laceration , land , leg , legion , level , livraison , locality , lot , major operation , maniple , measure , measure out , member , milieu , minor operation , moiety , movement , musical phrase , musical sentence , mutilation , neighborhood , number , offshore rights , operation , order , organ transplant , organ transplantation , organization , ornament , outfit , page , pale , palliative operation , paragraph , parcel , parcel of land , parcel out , part , particular , partition , parts , passage , patch , percentage , period , phalanx , phrase , phylum , piece , pigeonhole , place , plat , platoon , plot , plot of ground , portion , position , posse , precinct , precincts , predicament , premises , purlieus , quad , quadrangle , quadrant , quarter , quota , race , radical operation , random sample , rank , rating , real estate , refrain , regiment , region , remainder , removal , rending , resection , resolution , response , ripping , ritornello , rubric , salient , sample , sampling , scission , sector , segment , sentence , separate , sept , serial , series , set , severance , share , sheet , signature , slashing , slice , slicing , soil , space , species , sphere , split , split up , splitting , squad , squadron , square , stage , stanza , statement , station , status , strain , stratum , subclass , subdivide , subdivision , subfamily , subgenus , subgroup , subkingdom , suborder , subspecies , subtribe , superclass , superfamily , superorder , superspecies , surgery , surgical intervention , surgical operation , surgical technique , tactical unit , tailpiece , task force , tearing , terrain , territory , text , the knife , three-mile limit , title , tract , train , transplant , tribe , troop , tutti , tutti passage , twelve-mile limit , unit , variation , variety , verse , vicinage , vicinity , volume , wing , zone ... meer laten zien .
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