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naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

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naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

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naar bijbehorend lemma

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naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

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naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma


zelfstandig naamwoord

1 lead

An advantage held by a competitor in a race.

Roget 208: depth; deepness etc. adj.; profundity, depression etc. (concavity) 252.    hollow, pit, shaft, well, ... meer laten zien

Roget 33: superiority, majority; greatness etc. 31; advantage; pull; preponderance, preponderation; vantage ground, prevalence, partiality; personal superiority; nobility ... meer laten zien

Roget 319: gravity, gravitation; weight; heaviness etc. adj.; specific gravity; pondorosity, pressure, load; burden, burthen; ballast, counterpoise; ... meer laten zien

Roget 737a: government, legal authority, soveriegn, sovereign authority; authority etc. 737; master etc. 745; direction etc. 693.    [nations] ... meer laten zien

Nederlands: koppositie, leiding
Pools: przodownictwo

2 lead

A soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element; bluish white when freshly cut but tarnishes readily to dull grey:
— The children were playing with lead soldiers.

synoniemen: atomic number 82, Pb.

Nederlands: ik zoek een baan, lood
Pools: ołów, Pb

3 lead

Evidence pointing to a possible solution:
— The police are following a promising lead.

synoniemen: track, trail.

4 lead

A position of being the initiator of something and an example that others will follow (especially in the phrase `take the lead').

5 lead

The angle between the direction a gun is aimed and the position of a moving target (correcting for the flight time of the missile).

6 lead

The introductory section of a story:
— It was an amusing lead-in to a very serious matter.

synoniemen: lead-in, lede.

Pools: lid, główka artykułu, lead

7 lead

sports The score by which a team or individual is winning.

8 lead

An actor who plays a principal role.

synoniemen: principal, star.

Nederlands: hoofdrolspeler

9 lead

baseball The position taken by a base runner preparing to advance to the next base.

10 lead

An indication of potential opportunity:
— A good lead for a job.

synoniemen: confidential information, hint, steer, tip, wind.

Pools: cynk

11 lead

A news story of major importance.

synoniem: lead story.

12 lead

The timing of ignition relative to the position of the piston in an internal-combustion engine.

synoniem: spark advance.

13 lead

Restraint consisting of a rope (or light chain) used to restrain an animal.

synoniemen: leash, tether.

Nederlands: lijn
Pools: uwięź

14 lead

Thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type in printing.

synoniem: leading.

Nederlands: stift, blij, interlinie, dieplood

15 lead

Mixture of graphite with clay in different degrees of hardness; the marking substance in a pencil.

synoniem: pencil lead.

Nederlands: stift
Pools: grafit

16 lead

A jumper that consists of a short piece of wire:
— It was a tangle of jumper cables and clip leads.

synoniemen: booster cable, jumper cable, jumper lead.

Nederlands: startkabel

17 lead

The playing of a card to start a trick in bridge.


1 lead

Take somebody somewhere:
— We lead him to our chief.

synoniemen: conduct, direct, guide, take.

Roget 693: direct, manage, govern, conduct; order, prescribe, cut out work for; bead, lead; lead the way, show the way; take the lead, lead on; regulate, ... meer laten zien

Nederlands: leiden, voeren

2 lead

Produce as a result or residue.

synoniemen: leave, result.

Nederlands: achterlaten, nalaten

3 lead

Tend to or result in.

4 lead

Travel in front of; go in advance of others.

synoniem: head.

Roget 62: precede; come before, come first; head, lead, take the lead; lead the way, lead the dance; be in the vanguard; introduce, usher in; have the pas; set the fashion etc. ... meer laten zien

5 lead

Cause to undertake a certain action.

Nederlands: vooroplopen

6 lead

Stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point.

synoniemen: extend, go, pass, run.

7 lead

Be in charge of.

synoniem: head.

Nederlands: aanvoeren, leiden

8 lead

Be ahead of others; be the first.

synoniem: top.

Nederlands: aanvoeren, leiden, vooroplopen

9 lead

Be conducive to:
— The use of computers in the classroom lead to better writing.

synoniemen: conduce, contribute.

Roget 176: tend, contribute, conduce, lead, dispose, incline, verge, bend to, trend, affect, carry, redound to, bid fair to, gravitate towards; ... meer laten zien

Nederlands: bijdragen

10 lead

Lead, as in the performance of a composition.

synoniemen: conduct, direct.

Nederlands: voorlopen, vooroplopen

11 lead

Lead, extend, or afford access.

synoniem: go.

Nederlands: leiden, lopen, uitgeven, uitkomen, voeren

12 lead

Move ahead (of others) in time or space.

synoniem: precede.

Nederlands: voorgaan, voorlopen

13 lead

Cause something to pass or lead somewhere.

synoniem: run.

14 lead

Preside over.

synoniemen: chair, moderate.

Nederlands: presideren, voorzitten

Moby betekeniswoordenboek: T square, accent, accent mark, accomplishment, actor, administer, administrate, advance, advantage, affect, aim, aluminum, americium, antagonist, antecede, antecedence, antecedency, anteposition, anteriority, antetype ... meer laten zien.

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