rubber als zelfstandig naamwoord: 1
als werkwoord: 1
als bijvoeglijk naamwoord: 1
rubber caoutchouc gum elastic India rubber natural rubber latex foam rubber crepe rubber cold rubber ebonite hard rubber vulcanite Para rubber naar bijbehorend lemma
rubber zelfstandig naamwoord
1 rubber An elastic material obtained from the latex sap of trees (especially trees of the genera Hevea and Ficus) that can be vulcanized and finished into a variety of products.
synoniemen: caoutchouc , gum elastic , India rubber , natural rubber .
Roget 325 :
elasticity ,
springiness ,
spring ,
resilience ,
renitency ,
buoyancy .
rubber ,
India rubber ,
Indian rubber ,
latex ,
caoutchouc ,
whalebone ,
gum elastic ,
baleen ,
natural rubber ;
neoprene ,
synthetic rubber ,
Buna-S ,
plastic .
flexibility ,
Young's modulus .
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Roget 840 :
amusement ,
entertainment ,
recreation ,
fun ,
game ,
fun and games ;
diversion ,
divertissement ;
reaction ,
solace ;
pastime ,
passetemps [Fr.] ,
sport ;
labor of love ;
827 .
relaxation ;
685 .
fun ,
frolic ,
merriment ,
jollity ;
joviality ,
jovialness † ;
heyday ;
838 ;
jocosity ,
jocoseness † ;
drollery ,
buffoonery ,
tomfoolery ;
mummery ,
pleasantry ;
842 ;
quip ,
quirk .
[verbal expressions of amusement: list]
giggle ,
titter ,
snigger ,
snicker ,
crow ,
cheer ,
chuckle ,
shout ;
horse laugh ,
belly laugh ,
hearty laugh ;
guffaw ;
burst of laughter ,
fit of laughter ,
shout of laughter ,
roar of laughter ,
peal of laughter ;
cachinnation † ;
Kentish fire ;
tiger .
play ;
game ,
game at romps ;
gambol ,
romp ,
prank ,
antic ,
rig ,
lark ,
spree ,
skylarking ,
vagary ,
monkey trick ,
gambade ,
fredaine † ,
escapade ,
echappee [Fr.] ,
bout ,
espieglerie [Fr.] ;
practical joke
856 .
dance ;
hop ,
reel ,
rigadoon † ,
saraband † ,
hornpipe ,
bolero ,
ballroom dance ;
[ballroom dances: list],
minuet ,
waltz ,
polka ,
fox trot ,
tango ,
samba ,
rhumba ,
twist ,
stroll ,
hustle ,
cha-cha ;
fandango ,
cancan ;
bayadere † ;
breakdown ,
cake-walk ,
cornwallis [U.S.] ,
break dancing ;
nautch-girl ;
shindig [U.S.] ;
skirtdance † ,
stag dance ,
Virginia reel ,
square dance ;
galop † ,
galopade † ;
jig ,
Irish jig ,
fling ,
strathspey † ;
allemande [Fr.] ;
gavot † ,
gavotte ,
tarantella ;
mazurka ,
morisco † ,
morris dance ;
quadrille ;
country dance ,
folk dance ;
cotillon ,
Sir Roger de Coverley ;
599 ;
ball ;
bal ,
bal masque ,
bal costume ;
masquerade ;
Terpsichore .
festivity ,
merrymaking ;
(social gathering)
892 ;
blowout [U.S.] ,
hullabaloo ,
hoedown ,
bat [U.S.] ,
bum [U.S.] ,
bust [Slang] ,
clambake [U.S.] ,
donation party [U.S.] ,
fish fry [U.S.] ,
jamboree [Slang] ,
kantikoy † ,
nautch † ,
randy ,
squantum [U.S.] ,
tear [Slang] ,
Turnerfest † ,
yule log ;
fete ,
festival ,
gala ,
ridotto † ;
revels ,
revelry ,
reveling ;
carnival ,
brawl ,
saturnalia ,
high jinks ;
feast ,
298 ;
regale ,
symposium ,
wassail ;
carouse ,
carousal ;
jollification ,
junket ,
wake ,
Irish wake ,
picnic ,
fete champetre [Fr.] ,
regatta ,
field day ;
treat .
round of pleasures ,
dissipation ,
a short life and a merry one ,
racketing ,
holiday making .
838 ;
883 .
bonfire ,
fireworks ,
feu-de-joie ,
firecracker .
holiday ;
gala day ,
red letter day ,
play day ;
high days and holidays ;
high holiday ,
Bank holiday ;
May day ,
Derby day ;
Saint Monday ,
Easter Monday ,
Whit Monday ;
Bairam † ;
wayz-goos † ,
bean feast ;
Arbor Day ,
Declaration Day ,
Independence Day ,
Labor Day ,
Memorial Day ,
Thanksgiving Day ;
Mardi gras [Fr.] ,
mi-careme [Fr.] ,
feria [Lat.] ,
fiesta .
place of amusement ,
theater ;
hall ,
concert room ,
ballroom ,
assemblyroom † ;
music hall .
park ,
plaisance † ;
national park ,
national forest ,
state park ,
county park ,
city park ,
vest-pocket park ,
public park
arbor ;
371 ;
pleasure ground ,
playground ,
cricketground ,
croquet ground ,
archery ground ,
hunting ground ;
tennis court ,
racket court ;
bowling alley ,
green alley ;
croquet lawn ,
rink ,
glaciarum † ,
skating rink ;
roundabout ,
merry-go-round ;
swing ;
montagne Russe [Fr.] .
game of chance ,
game of skill .
athletic sports ,
gymnastics ;
archery ,
rifle shooting ;
tournament ,
720 ;
622 ;
horse racing ,
the turf ;
267 ;
skating ,
sliding ;
cricket ,
tennis ,
lawn tennis ;
hockey ,
football ,
baseball ,
soccer ,
ice hockey ,
basketball ;
rackets ,
fives ,
trap bat and ball ,
battledore and shuttlecock ,
la grace ;
pall-mall ,
tipcat † ,
croquet ,
golf ,
curling ,
pallone † ,
polo ,
water polo ;
tent pegging ;
tilting at the ring ,
quintain [Mediev.] ;
greasy pole ;
quoits ,
horseshoes ,
discus ;
rounders ,
lacrosse ;
tobogganing ,
water polo ;
knurr and spell † .
[childrens' games]
leapfrog ,
hop skip and jump ;
mother may I ;
French and English ,
tug of war ;
blindman's bluff ,
hunt the slopper † ,
hide and seek ,
kiss in the ring ;
snapdragon ;
cross questions and crooked answers . ;
crisscross ,
hopscotch ;
jacks ,
jackstones † ,
marbles ;
mumblety-peg ,
mumble-the-peg ,
pushball ,
shinney ,
shinny ,
billiards ,
pool ,
pingpong ,
pyramids ,
bagatelle ;
bowls ,
skittles ,
ninepins ,
kain † ,
American bowls † ;
tenpins [U.S.] ,
tivoli .
cards ,
card games ;
whist ,
rubber ;
round game ;
loo ,
cribbage ,
besique † ,
euchre ,
drole † ,
ecarte [Fr.] ,
picquet † ,
allfours † ,
quadrille ,
omber ,
reverse ,
Pope Joan ,
commit ;
boston ,
boaston † ;
blackjack ,
twenty-one ,
vingtun [Fr.] ;
quinze [Fr.] ,
thirty-one ,
put ,
speculation ,
connections ,
brag ,
cassino † ,
lottery ,
commerce ,
snip-snap-snoren † ,
lift smoke ,
blind hookey ,
Polish bank ,
Earl of Coventry ,
Napoleon ,
patience ,
pairs ;
banker ;
blind poker ,
draw poker ,
straight poker ,
stud poker ;
bluff ,
bridge ,
bridge whist ;
lotto ,
monte ,
three-card monte ,
nap ,
penny-ante ,
poker ,
reversis † ,
squeezers ,
old maid ,
fright ,
beggar-my-neighbor ;
baccarat .
[cards: list]
ace ,
king ,
queen ,
knave ,
jack ,
ten ,
nine ,
eight ,
seven ,
six ,
five ,
four ,
trey ,
deuce ;
joker ;
trump ,
wild card .
[card suits: list]
spades ,
hearts ,
clubs ,
diamonds ;
major suit ,
minor suit .
bower ;
right bower ,
left bower ;
dummy ;
jackpot ;
deck .
[hands at poker: list]
pair ,
two pair ,
three of a kind ,
straight ,
flush ,
full-house ,
four of a kind ,
royal flush ;
[board games: list]
chess ,
draughts ,
checkers ,
checquers ,
backgammon ,
dominos ,
merelles † ,
nine men's morris ,
go bang ,
solitaire ;
game of fox and goose ;
monopoly ;
[word games: list],
scrabble ,
scribbage ,
boggle ,
crossword puzzle ,
hangman .
morra † ;
621 .
toy ,
plaything ,
bauble ;
(puppet )
554 ;
teetotum † ;
643 ;
magic lantern
448 ;
peep show ,
puppet show ,
raree show ,
gallanty show † ;
toy shop ;
quips and cranks and wanton wiles , nods and becks quips and cranks and wanton wiles, nods and becks and wreathed smiles"
entertainer ,
showman ,
showgirl ;
dancer ,
tap dancer ,
song-and-dance man ;
vaudeville act ;
singer ;
416 .
sportsman ,
gamester ,
reveler ;
master of ceremonies ,
master of revels ;
pompom girl † ;
arbiter elegantiarum [Lat.] ;
arbiter bibendi [Lat.] ,
archer ,
fan [U.S.] ,
toxophilite † ,
turfman † .
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Nederlands: caoutchouc, gomelastiek, gummi, rubber Pools: kauczuk naturalny
2 rubber Any of various synthetic elastic materials whose properties resemble natural rubber.
synoniem: synthetic rubber .
Nederlands: condoom, kunstrubber Pools: kauczuk syntetyczny
3 rubber A contest consisting of a series of successive matches between the same sides.
Nederlands: rubber, gom, gum, stuf, vlakgom Pools: guma, gumka, roberek
4 rubber An eraser made of rubber (or of a synthetic material with properties similar to rubber); commonly mounted at one end of a pencil.
synoniemen: pencil eraser , rubber eraser .
5 rubber Contraceptive device consisting of a sheath of thin rubber or latex that is worn over the penis during intercourse.
synoniemen: condom , prophylactic , safe , safety .
Nederlands: rubbertje, ballon, condoom, kapotje, overjas, sok
6 rubber A waterproof overshoe that protects shoes from water or snow.
synoniemen: arctic , galosh , golosh , gumshoe .
Nederlands: galoche, overschoen Pools: prezerwatywa, lateks, guma, kondom, gumka
1 rubber bijvoeglijk naamwoord
1 rubber Returned for lack of funds:— A rubber check.
synoniem: no-good .
Moby betekeniswoordenboek: Buna , Butyl rubber , IUD , India rubber , Lastex , Paul Pry , ace , bag , baleen , battledore , best bower , birth control device , blubber , bower , breeze , butt-in , butter , caoutchouc , cards , caucho , chewing gum , clay , clubs , cold rubber , condom , contraceptive , contraceptive foam , crepe , crepe rubber , crude rubber , cushion , deck , deuce , diamonds , diaphragm , dough , down , dummy , ebonite , eiderdown , elastic , elastomer , eradicator , eraser , expunger , face cards , feather bed , feathers , fleece , floss , flue , fluff , flush , foam , full house , gum , gum elastic , hand , handball , hearts , intermeddler , intrauterine device , jack , joker , jumping jack , kapok , king , knave , latex , left bower , nose , oral contraceptive , pack , pair , pessary , picture cards , pillow , playing cards , plush , polyurethane rubber , prophylactic , pudding , puff , putty , queen , quidnunc , racket , round , royal flush , rubber ball , rubber band , rubberized , rubberlike , rubberneck , rubbery , ruff , satin , silicone rubber , silk , singleton , skin , snoop , spades , spandex , spermicidal jelly , spermicide , sponge , spring , springboard , straight , stretch fabric , swansdown , synthetic rubber , the pill , thistledown , trampoline , trey , trick , trump , velvet , wax , whalebone , wool , zephyr ... meer laten zien .
rubbers zelfstandig naamwoord
Roget 225 :
clothing ,
investment ;
223 ;
dress ,
raiment ,
drapery ,
costume ,
attire ,
guise ,
toilet ,
toilette ,
trim ;
habiliment ;
vesture ,
vestment ;
garment ,
garb ,
palliament † ,
apparel ,
wardrobe ,
wearing apparel ,
clothes ,
things ;
underclothes .
array ;
tailoring ,
millinery ;
847 ;
full dress
882 ;
garniture ;
theatrical properties .
outfit ,
equipment ,
trousseau ;
uniform ,
regimentals ;
continentals [U.S.] ;
999 ;
livery ,
gear ,
harness ,
turn-out ,
accouterment ,
caparison ,
suit ,
rigging ,
trappings ,
traps ,
slops ,
togs ,
toggery † ;
day wear ,
night wear ,
zoot suit ;
designer clothes ;
masquerade .
dishabille ,
morning dress ,
undress .
kimono ;
lungi † ;
shooting-coat ;
mufti ;
rags ,
tatters ,
old clothes ;
mourning ,
weeds ;
duds ;
slippers .
robe ,
tunic ,
paletot † ,
habit ,
gown ,
coat ,
frock ,
blouse ,
toga ,
smock frock ,
claw coat ,
hammer coat ,
Prince Albert coat † ,
sack coat ,
tuxedo coat ,
frock coat ,
dress coat ,
tail coat .
cloak ,
pall ,
mantle ,
mantlet mantua † ,
shawl ,
pelisse ,
wrapper ;
veil ;
cape ,
tippet ,
kirtle † ,
plaid ,
muffler ,
comforter ,
haik † ,
huke † ,
chlamys † ,
mantilla ,
tabard ,
housing ,
horse cloth ,
burnoose ,
burnous ,
roquelaure † ;
houppelande [Fr.] ;
surcoat ,
overcoat ,
great coat ;
surtout [Fr.] ,
spencer † ;
mackintosh ,
waterproof ,
raincoat ;
ulster ,
P-coat ,
dreadnought ,
wraprascal † ,
poncho ,
cardinal ,
pelerine † ;
barbe † ,
chudder † ,
jubbah † ,
oilskins ,
pajamas ,
pilot jacket ,
talma jacket † ,
vest ,
jerkin ,
waistcoat ,
doublet ,
camisole ,
gabardine ;
farthingale ,
kilt ,
jupe † ,
crinoline ,
bustle ,
panier ,
skirt ,
apron ,
pinafore ;
bloomer ,
bloomers ;
chaqueta † ,
songtag [G.] ,
tablier † .
pants ,
trousers ,
trowsers † ;
breeches ,
pantaloons ,
inexpressibles † ,
overalls ,
smalls ,
small clothes ;
shintiyan † ;
shorts ,
jockey shorts ,
boxer shorts ;
tights ,
drawers ,
panties ,
unmentionables ;
knickers ,
knickerbockers ;
philibeg † ,
fillibeg † ;
pants suit ;
culottes ;
jeans ,
blue jeans ,
dungarees ,
denims .
[brand names for jeans]
Levis ,
Calvin Klein ,
Calvins ,
Bonjour ,
Gloria Vanderbilt .
headdress ,
headgear ;
chapeau [Fr.] ,
crush hat ,
opera hat ;
kaffiyeh ;
sombrero ,
jam ,
tam-o-shanter ,
tarboosh † ,
topi ,
sola topi [Lat.] ,
pagri † ,
puggaree † ;
cap ,
hat ,
beaver hat ,
coonskin cap ;
castor ,
bonnet ,
tile ,
wideawake ,
billycock † ,
wimple ;
nightcap ,
mobcap † ,
skullcap ;
hood ,
coif ;
capote † ,
calash ;
kerchief ,
snood ,
babushka ;
head ,
coiffure ;
247 ;
chignon ,
pelt ,
wig ,
front ,
peruke ,
periwig ,
caftan ,
turban ,
fez ,
shako ,
csako † ,
busby ;
kepi † ,
forage cap ,
bearskin ;
baseball cap ;
fishing hat ;
717 ;
mask ,
domino .
body clothes ;
linen ;
hickory shirt [U.S.] ;
shirt ,
sark † ,
smock ,
shift ,
chemise ;
night gown ,
negligee ,
dressing gown ,
night shirt ;
bedgown † ,
sac de nuit [Fr.] .
underpants ,
undershirt ;
[for women],
brassiere ,
corset ,
stays ,
corsage ,
corset ,
corselet ,
bodice ,
247 ;
stomacher ;
petticoat ,
panties ;
under waistcoat ;
[for men],
athletic supporter ,
jockstrap .
sweater ,
jersey ;
cardigan ;
turtleneck ,
pullover ;
sweater vest .
neckerchief ,
neckcloth † ;
tie ,
ruff ,
collar ,
cravat ,
stock ,
handkerchief ,
scarf ;
bib ,
tucker ;
boa ;
cummerbund ,
rumal † ,
rabat † .
shoe ,
pump ,
boot ,
slipper ,
sandal ,
galoche † ,
galoshes ,
patten ,
clog ;
sneakers ,
running shoes ,
hiking boots ;
high-low ;
Blucher boot ,
wellington boot ,
Hessian boot ,
jack boot ,
top boot ;
Balmoral † ;
arctics ,
bootee ,
bootikin † ,
brogan ,
chaparajos † ;
chavar † ,
chivarras † ,
chivarros † ;
gums [U.S.] ,
larrigan [U.S.] ,
rubbers ,
showshoe ,
stogy † ,
veldtschoen [G.] ,
legging ,
buskin ,
greave † ,
galligaskin † ,
gamache † ,
gamashes † ,
moccasin ,
gambado ,
gaiter ,
spatterdash † ,
brogue ,
antigropelos † ;
stocking ,
hose ,
gaskins † ,
trunk hose ,
sock ;
hosiery .
glove ,
gauntlet ,
mitten ,
cuff ,
wristband ,
sleeve .
swaddling cloth ,
baby linen ,
layette ;
ice wool ;
taffeta .
pocket handkerchief ,
hanky † ,
hankie .
clothier ,
tailor ,
milliner ,
costumier ,
sempstress † ,
snip ;
dressmaker ,
habitmaker † ,
breechesmaker † ,
shoemaker ;
Crispin ;
friseur [Fr.] ;
cordwainer † ,
cobbler ,
hosier † ,
hatter ;
draper ,
linen draper ,
haberdasher ,
mercer .
[underpants for babies]
diaper ,
nappy [Brit.] ;
disposable diaper ,
cloth diaper ;
[brand names for diapers],
Huggies .
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