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naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

naar bijbehorend lemma

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naar bijbehorend lemma


zelfstandig naamwoord

1 point

A geometric element that has position but no extension.

Roget 8: circumstance, situation, phase, position, posture, attitude, place, point; terms; regime; footing, standing, status.    ... meer laten zien

Roget 193: littleness etc. adj.; smallness etc. (of quantity) 32; exiguity, inextension; parvitude, parvity; duodecimo; Elzevir edition, ... meer laten zien

Roget 171: energy, physical energy, force, power etc. 157; keenness etc. adj.; intensity, vigor, strength, elasticity; go; ... meer laten zien

Roget 939: probity, integrity, rectitude; uprightness etc. adj.; honesty, faith; honor; bonne foi [Fr.], good faith, bona fides [Lat.]; purity, clean hands.    ... meer laten zien

Roget 253: sharpness etc. adj.; acuity, acumination; spinosity.    point, spike, spine, spicule [Biol.], spiculum; needle, hypodermic needle, tack, ... meer laten zien

Roget 574: vigor, power, force; boldness, raciness etc. adj.; intellectual, force; spirit, point, antithesis, piquance, piquancy; ... meer laten zien

Roget 620: intent, intention, intentionality; purpose; quo animo [Lat.]; project etc. 626; undertaking etc. 676; predetermination etc. 611; ... meer laten zien

Roget 731: success, successfulness; speed; advance etc. (progress) 282.    trump card; hit, stroke, score; lucky hit, fortunate hit, ... meer laten zien

Roget 842: wit, humor, wittiness; sense of humor; attic wit, attic salt; atticism; salt, esprit, point, fancy, whim, drollery, pleasantry.    ... meer laten zien

Pools: punkt

2 point

The precise location of something; a spatially limited location.

Nederlands: punt
Pools: punkt

3 point

A brief version of the essential meaning of something.

Nederlands: inslag, pointe, strekking, tendens, tendentie, teneur

4 point

An isolated fact that is considered separately from the whole:
— A point of information.

synoniemen: detail, item.

Nederlands: item
Pools: moment, szczegół, niuans

5 point

A specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process.

synoniemen: degree, level, stage.

Roget 26: degree, grade, extent, measure, amount, ratio, stint, standard, height, pitch; reach, amplitude, range, scope, ... meer laten zien

Roget 71: term, rank, station, stage, step; degree etc. 26; scale, remove, grade, link, peg, round of the ladder, ... meer laten zien

Nederlands: podium
Pools: stopień zaawansowania, zaawansowanie

6 point

An instant of time:
— At that point I had to leave.

synoniem: point in time.

Pools: umiejscowienie w czasie, umiejscowienie

7 point

The object of an activity.

8 point

A V shape:
— The cannibal's teeth were filed to sharp points.

synoniemen: peak, tip.

Roget 67: end, close, termination; desinence, conclusion, finis, finale, period, term, terminus, endpoint, last, omega; extreme, ... meer laten zien

9 point

A very small circular shape:
— A row of points.

synoniem: dot.

Roget 32: smallness etc. adj.; littleness etc. (small size) 193; tenuity; paucity; fewness etc. (small number) 103; meanness, ... meer laten zien

Roget 182: place, lieu, spot, point, dot; niche, nook etc. (corner) 244; hole; pigeonhole etc. (receptacle) ... meer laten zien

Roget 550: indication; symbolism, symbolization; semiology, semiotics, semeiology, semeiotics; Zeitgeist.    [means of recognition: property] characteristic, diagnostic; lineament, feature, ... meer laten zien

Roget 180a: inextension, nonextension, point; dot; atom etc. (smallness) 32.   

Nederlands: punt, puntje, spikkel, stip, stippel, tittel
Pools: kropka, punkt

10 point

The unit of counting in scoring a game or contest.

Nederlands: locatie, plek, tijdpunt, punt, winstpunt
Pools: punkt, jednostka rozrachunkowa

11 point

A promontory extending out into a large body of water.

12 point

A distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a list:
— The main point on the agenda was taken up first.

synoniem: item.

Nederlands: artikel, object, exemplaar
Pools: pozycja

13 point

A style in speech or writing that arrests attention and has a penetrating or convincing quality or effect.

14 point

An outstanding characteristic:
— His acting was one of the high points of the movie.

synoniem: spot.

15 point

Sharp end.

Nederlands: punt, tip

16 point

Any of 32 horizontal directions indicated on the card of a compass:
— He checked the point on his compass.

synoniem: compass point.

Nederlands: hemelstreek, kompasrichting, kompasstreek, streek, windhoek, windrichting, windstreek
Pools: strona świata

17 point

A linear unit used to measure the size of type; approximately 1/72 inch.

Pools: punkt, pt, punkt typograficzny

18 point

One percent of the total principal of a loan; it is paid at the time the loan is made and is independent of the interest on the loan.

19 point

A punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations.

synoniemen: full point, full stop, period, stop.

Nederlands: oord, plaats, punt
Pools: kropka

20 point

A V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer:
— The point of the arrow was due north.

synoniem: head.

Roget 454: subject of thought, material for thought; food for the mind, mental pabulum.    subject, subject matter; matter, theme, noemata [Gr.], topic, what it is about, thesis, text, business, ... meer laten zien

21 point

The dot at the left of a decimal fraction.

synoniemen: decimal point, percentage point.

22 point

The property of a shape that tapers to a sharp tip.

synoniem: pointedness.

Pools: szpiczastość, spiczastość

23 point

A distinguishing or individuating characteristic.

24 point

The gun muzzle's direction:
— He held me up at the point of a gun.

synoniem: gunpoint.

25 point

A wall socket.

synoniem: power point.

Nederlands: Power Point, stopcontact

26 point

A contact in the distributor; as the rotor turns its projecting arm contacts them and current flows to the spark plugs.

synoniemen: breaker point, distributor point.


1 point

Indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively:
— He pointed to the empty parking space.

synoniemen: designate, indicate, show.

Nederlands: aanwijzen, wijzen

2 point

Be oriented:
— The weather vane points North.
— The dancers toes pointed outward.

synoniem: orient.

3 point

Direct into a position for use:
— Point a gun.

synoniemen: charge, level.

4 point

Direct the course; determine the direction of travelling.

synoniemen: channelise, channelize, direct, guide, head, maneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvre, steer.

5 point

Be a signal for or a symptom of:
— Her behavior points to a severe neurosis.

synoniemen: bespeak, betoken, indicate, signal.

Nederlands: aanduiden, wijzen op, duiden, wijzen
Pools: sygnał

6 point

Sail close to the wind.

synoniem: luff.

Nederlands: loeven

7 point

Mark (Hebrew words) with diacritics.

8 point

Mark with diacritics.

9 point

Mark (a psalm text) to indicate the points at which the music changes.

10 point

Be positionable in a specified manner.

11 point

Intend (something) to move towards a certain goal.

synoniemen: aim, direct, place, target.

Nederlands: beogen

12 point

Indicate the presence of (game) by standing and pointing with the muzzle.

13 point

Give a point to.

synoniemen: sharpen, taper.

Roget 253: be sharp etc. adj.; taper to a point; bristle with.    render sharp etc. adj.; sharpen, point, aculeate, whet, barb, spiculate, ... meer laten zien

14 point

Repair the joints of bricks:
— Point a chimney.

synoniem: repoint.

Moby betekeniswoordenboek: L, Thule, Ultima Thule, abode, accent, accentuate, ace, acerbity, acidity, acme, acridity, acrimony, aculeate, aculeus, acuminate, acumination, address, advance guard, advantage, affective meaning ... meer laten zien.

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